Reflection for Project 2

By Melanie Velasquez

Project 2 was signficantly easier than project 1. This was partially due to the fact that in project 1 we learned the basics to coding and how coding itself worked within html and css.


I am execptionally proud of myself with panel 1's carousel and various bootstrap components. However, it is not aesthetically pleasing to look at and looks rather messy. The carousel for panel 1 was sized wrong and made my pictures look weird and huge. It was super time consuming compared to the other two.


Panel 2 was easiest component to the project since it was primarily copying and pasting my info from panel 1. Panel 2 was the easiest are required very minimal work.

Codingcoding csswebsite

Panel 3, was probably the most difficult due to the css portion of the project. I found myself often frustrated when the color I wanted or styling didn't work. I would inspect element on Chrome and see what the class was to a specific element I wanted to change. Yet it seemed even the classes would not work within style code when styling. Nonetheless, I think panel 3 came out fantastic. The photos look less pixelated compared to panel 1 and 2. Specifically, the background picture for panel 3 looks amazing with the overall look of the website. I also added little excerpts of some info about the sharks in the pictures and some additional information on the habitats of sharks. This was something I could not figure out how to do for panel 1. However, some of the information was what I thought should have been included for the other panels. The color combos complement each other with the google font family. The next issue was trying to connect all my panels togehter. I couldn't connect through the folders specifically so I had to copy and paste them into individual/new html's and css's. Which was indeed time consuming and slightly frustrating when I did it all to find out somehwere went wrong and one of the panel's wasn't linking. Nonetheless, I figured out the issue in the end and fixed it. Panel 1 was the second most difficult due it it being made from scratch so I had to put in a lot of work and effort while using bootsrap components. Overall, I enjoyed working on the project and it shows I took time to decide on fonts that matched the theme and worked hard to completely change the result from panel 2. It may seem a little similar, but is obvious on the work put into it.