About Reflection

Reflection For Project One

NMIX 4110

Melanie Velasquez

I am exceptionally proud of myself with this project, especially it being my first hand written coding and designing. I got to learn new ways to include information like checkboxes, linear gradience, navbars, and all the while getting a refresher on basic aspects of coding. I also learned how to make my webpage's accessibility even better. The amount of creative freedom within the project is also one of the best things I could ask for, for it displayed almost all of what I have learned within freecodecamp and class.

A few things however, I want to specifically talk about. The first is I improved user satisfaction by intergrating a check box with the ingredients so that they could keep up with what ingredients that already put in. This allows the reader and user to be free of writing it down. I also want to emphasis the color styling for the pages and text, which also had fonts added to make the page not only look "pretty" but also have its own sort of asethetic. I even added boxes around text to separate the headings for the page from the rest of the text. This project also allowed me to use it as a sort of portfolio of my photographs that I have taken at The Red and Black. Which is ironic, in being that this project coding itself is its own portfolio part.

I learned a lot about how coding works and why the smallest mistake can mess up the coding I had been working on. Attention to detail is a skill I am learning to improve upon in coding, for some color combinations or photos may seem out of place and can cause accessibility issues. However, it did not stop me from struggling in learning how important class names are. Some of my coding would be continously overwritten or confusing and thus was a continous struggle when I forget about adding a class. I also struggled with learning how to make my code work the way I envisioned it supposed to look like. Even the internet didn't understand what I was looking for. Which was kind of a tipping point and where I had to tell myself to take a break.

I want to learn how to make my own animations and design them better than just what I learn in freecodecamp. I also want to make my website a little more interactive with aspects making it almost fun and enjoyable to scroll through. I also want to learn how to implement a gallery with parts like when you swipe through photos on instagram that have mutiple photos on one post. It would be a great assest since I am a photographer and I can list my photos without having it go down a line on a page.

Overall, I think this project was fun to do and work on. There is definite room for improvement but most in being ignorant of all the types of progamming languages and the different styling methods that can be used in making a website look professional and appealing. This project marks the first time I made a website purely by hand-written code which is a great achievement for myself.